
Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial BBQ

We had some friends over for a BBQ yesterday and had a blast!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

He's Here!

Bet you thought baby huh?! Aiden filled up his potty chart so we got him a kitty. He OF COURSE named him (drum roll please) Batman!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Half way there!!

20 Weeks

Monday, May 18, 2009

Jelly Belly Boozled

We were at Farm Fresh (awesome grocery store on east coast) and we saw the bulk Jelly Belly candy. As Aiden proceeded to stuff his pockets with candy that I found later, Nick and I saw the new Bean Boozled box. It's like a knock off of the Harry Potter Bertie Botts. Anyway, Nick and I were sitting in the car and we thought we got a peach one. It turned out to be vomit and we both opened the doors and puked out the car. Ha ha we were laughing so hard. Nick gave Aiden a black one. Turned out to be skunk and Aiden almost cried.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oatmeal Ice Cream Cookies

Aiden helped me make some Oatmeal Ice Cream Cookies. He was very good at eating dough!

So they aren't super pretty but they were tasty!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Another Boy on the way!

Today I had the ultrasound to check on the baby and find out the sex. He (Carmine Nunzio after Nick's great-grandfather from Italy) weighs 11oz and is quite the wiggle worm! Here are some pics from today.

Front View

Side View


Attempt at a profile


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Today I decided I was pregnant

Today is the day that I decided I was no longer just getting fat and that I am actually pregnant. Ladies you all know what I am talking about. Sex ultrasound tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The best time

Sometimes these moments are the best! [And yes...those are his Superman underwear he is sleeping with. Thank goodness they are clean :) ]

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I just need to vent and give praise to all other parents who are divorced and have to share custody of their kids. It is HARD and I HATE it! I have custody of Aiden and his father has visitation rights and it is just so stressful dealing with him. Not to burden others, but he was almost 2 hours late dropping Aiden off today! We go to court in June to finalize everything and I am just wanting everything to be over and done with. Attorney Fees are ridiculous. Granting I have an AWESOME attorney, I think everything will go great, I am just tired of stressing over this. Especially being pregnant.
Ok thanks for letting me vent. LOL.


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Sunday, May 3, 2009


Aiden "typing" on his laptop like mama.

Aiden blowing bubbles

Aiden reading the paper with the help of Nick's glasses!